Tuesday, July 28, 2015

5 Secret Sales Skills Every Sales Pro Needs

5 Secret Sales Skills Every Sales Pro Needs

I know your boss thinks you are Superman or Wonder Woman sometime, right? Hey, it comes with the territory. But, in all honesty there are some secret sales skills—some almost superhuman powers each sales pro must posses.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

So You Got Your First Sales Job

Your First Sales Job
Your First Sales Job
So, you got your first sales job! Congratulations and welcome to the greatest profession on the planet. You are joining a long list of some of the most influential people in the world of business—all who started out in sales.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How To Answer, “Your Price Is Too High”

If you’ve been in sales longer than half-an-hour you've probably heard this from a prospective customer when you asked for the order.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sales Jobs: A Solution To The Problem

I read with interest a recent article in USA Today about how hard some managers are struggling to fill sales jobs. The article lamented how “good help is hard to find” and stated that an amazing 35% of sales managers couldn’t find qualified applicants for open jobs last month.

      Sales Jobs: A Solution To The Problem

Thirty-five percent! More than one-third of all sales jobs were unfilled because of unqualified applicants or the shortage of unqualified applicants? Wow. And, I would hazard to guess there are tens of thousands of extremely talented salespeople who are looking for those jobs!
And to think the industry has brought this on ourselves.

3 Tips for Sales Compensation Plans

3 Tips for Sales Compensation Plans

One of the questions I get asked a lot is about sales force compensation. Not necessarily the amount, but the process.

3 Tips for Sales Compensation Plans

“How should salespeople be paid?”
Personally, I’m a proponent of a commission-based system. With that being said, I think anyone needs a certain amount of grace period (or training time) until they are “kicked out of the nest”.
But, more than that I want to dig into what to base the commission on. Should salespeople be paid on their sales? A percentage of the profits they generate? Or some hybrid combination?

Manage Your Customer’s Expectations

Manage Your Customer’s Expectations

As sales professionals we all know there are times where customers are dissatisfied with our products or services. While we all strive for a 100% satisfaction, but let’s be honest; that seldom—if ever happens.

Manage Your Customer’s Expectations

One of the main ingredients in high customer satisfaction is to manage your customer’s expectations. If we do that correctly, many times we can minimize or totally eliminate their dissatisfaction with a particular situation.
The key is communication.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What Social Selling Is NOT!

One of the biggest buzz words/phrases to hit professional sales in years is social selling. While many believe they know what it means, I find many to be a bit confused.Instead of defining what social selling is, why don’t we take a moment and see what is is not:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Your Business Will Fail

I’ve got some news for you and this may or may not come as a surprise, but your business will fail not because you’re not good at what you do. More than likely the reason why your business will fail is because you’re not good at sales and marketing.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sales Tips: Superstars Make One More Call

one more call
Sales Tips: Superstars Make One More Call
We talk a lot here about what separates the Superstars from the rest of the pack. What do they do to reach Superstar status? As we’ve discussed many times it is the very small, basics they do and do extremely well. They work hard on the things we all know it takes to be successful and don’t take those things for granted.

Sales Pros Don’t Practice…On Their Prospects


No Practice
Sales Pros Don’t Practice…On Their Prospects
As a sales manager, sales trainer and just a student of the art of selling, I am constantly looking at ways to improve what I do and what my clients do. Obviously, practice is a big part of that process. But, I’m continually surprised at how many people practice on their prospects–learning on the job and experiencing a lot of firsts at the expense of a potential customer.

Closing The Sale? Just Make It Natural


closing the sale
Closing The Sale? Just Make It Natural

As a professional salesperson you know asking for the sales is crucial to every sales encounter. I’m not a fan of the phrase closing the sale, I prefer to call it asking for the sale, instead. But, most people still know it as closing. While you must be good at every step in the sales process, this is the one that more salespeople struggle with than any other.

What Is Selling?


What Is Selling?
As I look back on the last few years of posting more than 250 blogs at this site, perhaps this should’ve been the first one. Maybe this should’ve been the introduction.

What is selling?

While many salespeople or want-to-be salespeople don’t verbalize that, I’ve found that question gets asked internally more than we think. In fact, we’ve probably all asked it or thought it at one time or another in our career.

3 Tips For Building Rapport In Sales


3 Tips For Building Rapport In Sales
As you step through the sales process with your prospect one of the areas requiring the most time and attention is Building Rapport. I believe the more time you spend and the stronger rapport you build the less time you spend overcoming objections.

How To Increase Your Sales


How To Increase Your Sales
One of the questions I’m asked most when training or speaking is, “What’s the easiest way to increase my sales?” While there’s no one single answer to that question, the one I usually respond with is, “Increase what you do.”
Many times that is met with a confused or even surprised look, but the truth is, you are the key to increasing your sales.